Had a bit of bench time yesterday so I got out the masking tape and air brush and this is the end result.
I forgot just how fiddly these 'multi colour' jobs are! Dirty, grimy black is so much easier and they all end up like that anyway!
Started with Navy Dressing (Bakers Middle Buff) on the roof after masking up the edge frame which had to stay in black. Gave that a few hours to go off and then masked up the whole roof, smoke box, chassis foot plates and splashers, except the sand boxes and 374 pieces of masking tape later I cut loose with the maroon. Had a little bit of 'blow over' from maroon to black but otherwise went ok. A few touch ups with the brush were required. A bit more tape and the buffer beam was red!
I also fitted another set of pickups to the insulated drivers as well - what a fiddly job that was. Definitely one to be done much earlier in the assembly process.
Will start the decaling soon - mmmm boiler bands and tender lining, can't wait.
Must say this shot looks a lot more 'maroonier' than the last one. Just opened the curtains and turned all the lights off. Natural light and about 20 seconds on F25 provided a much better result.
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